Feb 11, 2015 | Success Stories
Research utilizing the circuit techniques developed at the University of Oulu has been carried out i.e. in the EU-funded Minifaros project, which aimed at opening up the Advanced Driver Assistance System (ADAS) market to small and medium-sized...
Feb 8, 2015 | Success Stories
CoE Oulu group director Juha Kostamovaara has been granted an Academy professorship, as a few in Finland, due to his expertise in accurate pulsed time-of-flight circuits and devices with applications in laser ranging. He has been nominated to an academy professor...
Feb 5, 2015 | Success Stories
The Ubiquitous Positioning (UbiPos) group of FGI has developed indoor/outdoor seamless positioning solutions for smartphone-based 3D personal navigation. The 3D-city model brings new 3D navigation experience to mobile users, while the ubiquitous positioning technology...
Jan 28, 2015 | Selected Papers, Success Stories
In the boreal forest zone and in many forest areas, there exist gaps between the forest crowns. For example, in Finland, more than 30% of the first pulse data of laser scanning reflect directly from the ground without any interaction with the canopy. By increasing the...
Jan 28, 2015 | Selected Papers, Success Stories
A multichannel time-to-digital converter (TDC) implemented with 0.35-μm complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology that uses a low-frequency crystal as reference and measures the time intervals with counter and delay line interpolation techniques is described....
Jan 22, 2015 | Success Stories
Topi Tanhuanpää from the University of Helsinki 4D GeoScientists group has been awarded the Simo Poso prize for the best M.Sc. Thesis in Forest Sciences in 2011-2012. The award was given in March 2013 by the Finnish Society of Forest Sciences’ Taksaattorikilta....